Kwik Trip has convenience stores across most of Wisconsin, in the southeastern part of Minnesota and in the northeastern area of Iowa. It does not plan to expand beyond this tri-state area.

The company employs about 15,000 people, including store personnel and those at the company's full-scale bakery, dairy and commissary, as well as co-workers at the warehouse/distribution center that has its own truck fleet. Trucks deliver to every store every day.

The chain is known as an innovator in the industry and is regularly lauded as a top place to work. It identifies three areas of focus: food, fuel and its people. It added an espresso program at every store with self-serve units that dispense lattes and other espresso beverages, with fresh milk and flavor shots.

Stores are larger with more of a market feel and the addition of fresh butcher meats, vegetables and fruits. The company was the first convenience-store chain to join the Partnership for a Healthier America, committing to add more fresh foods to its menus. PHA is devoted to working with the private sector to address childhood obesity.

Headquarters:La Crosse, Wisconsin
No. of Stores:515
Average Store Size:4,000+ sq. ft.
Rank Last Year:21
States of Operation: Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin
Family Business:Yes