MNS Ltd. operates about 80 convenience and tourist stores—most in Hawaii—under the name ABC Stores and added a couple of new stores in 2013.

Each ABC Store sells items unique to its area. For instance, in Hawaii the chain sells more macadamia nuts, sun-care products, souvenirs and visitor-related products than any other store in Hawaii. Overall, their best-selling items are gift candy and bottled water. Resets are done continuously throughout the area based on what is selling and what isn't. Besides souvenirs and area-specific items, the stores also stock typical convenience store items such as snacks, candy, cold beverages. The three top-selling categories are general merchandise, groceries and liquor.

Headquarters:Honolulu, Hawaii
No. of Stores:80
Average Store Size:2,500-4,000 sq. ft.
States of Operation: