Wawa Inc., based in the Philadelphia suburb of Wawa, Pa., operates convenience stores throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. It also expanded into central Florida.

Wawa has become a household name, if not something close to religion, due to an industry-leading foodservice program, proprietary coffee offering and overall focus on quality, service and value. The chain describes its food offering as “fast-casual-to-go with world-class convenience.” It is especially known for its hoagies, breakfast sandwiches and specialty beverages.

Wawa’s roots stretch deep into the dairy business, having operated dairy farms since the early 1900s. It began running “food markets” in the 1960s to address the challenges of home dairy delivery, using Wawa-branded milk and other dairy items as core traffic drivers. Wawa’s private-branded beverage portfolio has since expanded to include items such as bottled water, teas, juices and energy drinks.

Headquarters:Wawa, Pennsylvania
No. of Stores:630
Average Store Size:2,500-4,000 sq. ft.
States of Operation: Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia